Surrendering our burdens to God is completely letting go of everything, subjecting your will and thoughts to God that He may have His way in every aspect of your life.
Hebrews 12:1-2 informs us that since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, we must lay aside every weight, and the sins that have so easily ensnares us and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.
In verse 2, the author again asks us to look unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
To run a proper race we need to lay aside the heavyweight of the sins that we do carry on in different ways. Jesus also confirms this in Mathew 11:28 where He calls us to come unto Him those who are tired and heavy laden.
Hebrews 12:2, tells us to lay aside the heavyweight of sin, which means sin is a burden. Apart from sin, there are also thoughts we carry in our lives that show you can’t make it in life which have taken away the joy and peace of God.
Due to the challenging times we are in, everyone at their own level has been burdened differently. But you need to know that you cannot be able to carry these burdens on your own.
The moment you realize there is someone who can help you, you remove your eyes from the burden and you fix your eyes on one who will take away the burden.
Anything you fix your eyes on is what you become.
If someone is heavily laden, he begins to look at the problem in his or her life. The more the person meditates upon the problem, it becomes a burden on the inside which in the end results in a lack of sleep, loss of appetite, and some even end up running mad.
The devil uses the situation to dress one’s life with this burden which results in making wrong decisions in life.
What you’re going through today, there are people who overcame and became testimonies of that which is difficult before you. If it is going through the fire, Men of God like Meshach, Shadrach and Abednego are testimonies, Daniel has a testimony of the den of lions.
There are many witnesses who testify of what you are going through today and God saw them through and gave them victory amidst the impossible situation that are before you today.
The situation is impossible because you have made the burden part of you. How? By saying; this is my disease, my problem. This is not your problem but the burden the enemy has put upon you.
Today, God expects us to fix our eyes on Him and also surrender the heavy burdens, those thoughts to Jesus the author and finisher of our faith. Every problem has a beginning and an end.
True, the times are difficult but know that whatever is heavy in your life, Jesus is able to give you rest. Jesus took away the heavy burdens and weight of sin that we may be set free.
If God came that He may carry our burdens let your faith increase in God, for He the author of faith is waiting for us to come unto Him that He may give us rest.
The only way we can be able to overcome and be a testimony is to Surrender to God every heavy laden to Him. As Isaiah 53: 3-5, shows us that Jesus paid it all for us. Is it pain, sorrow? He carried them for our sake.
Everything we pass through in life, Jesus paid for it all. The grace of God is available to help and save you. It doesn’t matter how heavy the burden is, God is more than able to help you.
In Job 1:20-21, though things were the way they were, Job chose to fix His eyes on God and worshipped Him.
The victory which comes from God is accompanied by joy and assurance that He is on our side, takes care of us amidst the confusion.
Our role is to Surrender to Him that He may see us through and ask Him to be the answer, redeemer, strength and ability in our lives.
You can also read in the book of Jeremiah 15:20