Repentance is a sincere and deliberate turning away from doing evil to do good, from darkness to light and making room for the Christ-like life.
Repentance is the only way that makes us free from sin and brings forgiveness in our lives.
Matthew 3:1-10 calls us to prepare the way of the Lord through true repentance which bears fruits. When one repents it means they have understood their mistakes, and chosen to do what is required of them.
Repentance is the power that;
- Takes away anger and brings forgiveness
- Brings mercy instead of judgement.
- Brings peace instead of battles
- Brings joy instead of sorrow
- Undresses one of wrath and dresses them with love.
- Brings unity and takes away disunity.
In Isaiah 1:18, God calls the people
to reason together with Him, He also promises that although their sins are as
scarlet, they shall be white as snow. This is because God wants His people to
draw closer to Himself, to be obedient and change that they may be forgiven.
For the power of God to manifest there must be repentance why?
- Repentance causes the power of God to manifest that He may heal, help and save us
- Repentance causes God to cleanse us from sin and draws us back closer to the love of God.
- Repentance is the power that makes one who was a sinner to become the righteousness of God.
- Repentance brings acceptance unto he or she who is rejected. Not only acceptance but also makes us children of God.
Ephesians 2:1-2, “And you He made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins, 2 in which you once walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience.”
The scripture above shows us the spirit of disobedience in the lives of those who refuse to repent.
What differentiates you from those who follow the devil, is your acceptance to repent which delivers you from the spirit of disobedience that the devil uses to capture the souls of people.
As we put our hearts to Repentance, we need to know that “Repentance is not regretting but changing from evil to doing good before God which makes us be right with God.” Regretting is being sorrowful for sin you’re in minus changing and repentance is the only power that takes you out of sinful life to a life of perfection in Christ and also makes God becomes your father instead of an enemy.
One of the things that have weakened the church is taking repentance for granted by not changing. Psalm 51:17, shows us that repentance is the brokenness of the heart.
Psalm 51:17, The sacrifices of God is a broken spirit, A broken and a contrite heart, These, O God, You will not despise.
True repentance bears fruits. For Example, one who has been walking in deceit begins to walk in the truth, If you were not giving tithe, you bear fruits of repentance by giving tithe.
Failure to repent brings a connection between you and the devil as you are controlled by the spirit of disobedience.
Hebrews 10:26, 26 “For if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, 27 but a the certain fearful expectation of judgment, and fiery indignation which will devour the adversaries.”
Repentance takes us out of slavery and bondage of sin and ushers us into freedom, from unrighteousness to a life of holiness.
Brethren, you should not get tired of repenting because there is power in it.
When you repent, believe that you have been forgiven and don’t allow the devil to keep condemning you for the past mistakes because of what you’re going through in life.
In Luke 15, The prodigal son wasted his time and connected with the wrong people in His life. However, when he came back to his senses, accepted to repent, he came back to his father who was waiting for him.
Today God is waiting for a man and woman ready to do His will, He is not looking at how many times you have fallen, but your readiness to go before Him to ask for forgiveness. This is the sacrifice God does not despise. Repentance touches the heart of God and makes Him open His arms wide for you.
- If you don't have right people speaking in your life, wrong people will speak to you thus giving the devil a chance to fulfill his intentions in your life.
- Whenever you repent, you weaken the works of the devil in your life and you are dressed up with the power of God and the Holy Spirit to start reigning in your life.
bless you.