Founding Pastor
Ignorance is the state of lacking knowledge, and it’s the greatest weapon that the devil uses to keep us in bondage.
That’s why in Hosea 4:6 God cautions us. “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because you have rejected knowledge, I will also reject you from being priest for me: because you have forgotten the law of your God, I will also forget your children.”
Because Ignorance keeps us in the darkness leading us into doing things that do not benefit us. This is because we do not know the side effects of such things we do it out of ignorance.
The enemy of knowledge is ignorance. Ignorance is the state of lack of knowledge and the greatest weapon the devil uses to keep us in bondage
Ignorance blinds and makes you reject what is Godly.
Ignorance keeps us in the darkness leading us into doing things that do not benefit us. This is because we do not know the side effects of the things we do out of ignorance.
However, in salvation, God gives us wisdom and knowledge in order to overcome the devil.
Proverbs 24:5, “A wise man is strong, Yes, a man of knowledge increases strength”
Why God wants man to Operate in Knowledge?
- Having knowledge means having strength and victory. (Proverbs 24:5)
- Having knowledge enables us to overcome the devil since his tricks are made known to us.
- It enables us to pray in the will of God in our works, and ministry.
- It enables us to know the seasons and times we are in thus making the right prayer.
- Knowledge quickens our deliverance because prayer and spiritual warfare is directed by the revelation of God about our bondages.
- Having Knowledge enables us to do the will of God without the influence of other people. This is because God gives you a greater understanding of what you are supposed to do and why you are supposed to do it.
- Knowledge enables us to discern between what is right and what is wrong in our lives.
- Knowledge opens our eyes to the opportunities available that seem to be hidden.
- Wisdom and knowledge give us a sight of our destiny and enable us to fit in it.
Daniel was able to make the right prayer that would take him out of bondage because he had obtained knowledge about the times and seasons.
Brethren, above all, seek God to grant you the knowledge you need in the different aspects of your life.
#Prayer. God to give us the spirit of knowledge that we may know the times and seasons we are in.
Scriptures Psalm 24:5, Exodus 31:1-2