Pr. Kamya Emmanuel

Storms of life are those moments when a man faces trials that seem to be bigger than his faith in God.
Storms of life are very violent and every human being is a candidate for their attack however, we only need to trust God. Also Proverbs1:27, clearly defines what the storm of life is, a terror that comes with calamities.
When your dread and panic come like a storm, And your disaster comes like a whirlwind, When anxiety and distress come upon you [as retribution]. Proverbs 1:27 (AMP)
Psalms 57:1-3 elaborates to us how King David a mighty fighter was shattered by the storm of life, however, he knew that it was only in God where he could take refuge.
Likewise, even in the present time, we can only overcome these storms by taking refuge in God.
Because He is our refuge, strength and very present help in trouble, therefore it doesn’t matter how strong the storm is, we only need to trust in God (Psalms46).
It’s only God who can help us pass through any storm. Why? because He is merciful and trustworthy (Psalms57:3)
Types of storms and why they do occur in our lives.
- In the life of a pure Christian, there are two types of storms; those sent by God and those sent by the devil. These two types have an intention in one’s life for they help in bringing out the meaning of life.
- Storms brought by the devil are always intended to drive us off the grid of salvation and also to put shame on us before those who don’t believe in God.
- While those brought by God at times come to test us or to drive us back to the point where we left our first love to God. Also when we continuously sin and refuse to get back to the lord, at times God allows storms of life to shape us into His required standards.
Nevertheless, even in such a time when we call upon His name, He will show up because He is the only barrier to the storms of life.
- Storms of life always wake us up and get deeper to seek God, in doing so, we find our callings and what God needs us to do.
- Also at times, we need storms in our lives because they remind us always that we don’t hold any power over our lives but Jesus.
- Some storms also come to show our enemies the might of the God we serve.
However, despite their occurrence, Proverbs 3:25-26 assures us that in any sudden terror Lord is our confidence. Therefore, by all means, we need to trust in Him.
In most times when storms of life hit us, we tend to think that Jesus is not with us, but Mathew 8:24-26 is a shred of evidence showing us that even in such times Jesus is always there with us but silent. Therefore, our only task is to call upon Him, to react like how the disciples did.
God’s perspective towards our storms of life is demonstrated in verse 26. To us, it will always appear impossible but to God, it’s always possible and simple.
We must always note that whichever storm of life we pass through, Jesus is always there, so we need to be still and wait upon the hand of God.
Also, in such times, it’s always useful to use storms as a catapult to propel you to seek God. Folks, do not lose hope amidst any storm of life that you are going through, for Jesus is in the boat.
NB: Never put your feelings while you are in the storm of life for you will never succeed. Isaiah 4:6 tells us that there will be shelter from storms and rain. Remember that Jesus is our Shelter. (Also read Isaiah25:4).
Always remember that when the wind blows, stubborn tree breaks but an intelligent one bends and lets the wind pass. Therefore, folks let’s always focus on God for those who trust in Him are always intelligent.
Further study Isaiah32:2-3
Great message
I trust in the lord there is no situation that’s permanent. Thank for the encouraging messages