Witchcraft can be defined as the use of evil spirits to fulfil evil purposes According to Webster’s Dictionary witchcraft can also be defined as an irresistible influence or fascination.
Most people allegedly say that witchcraft is African magic, some call it African spirit, or demonic powers present on our continent. However, Witchcraft has existed for a very long time in the history of mankind across the globe, not only in Africa that is why the Bible warns us not to be bewitched: “O foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you that you should not obey the truth? Before your eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed among you as crucified” (Gal. 3:1)
In the history of mankind, almost every set has got its traditional ways of witchcraft because it’s one of the powers in the hierarchy of demons Apostle Paul listed in Ephesians 6:12. Just as the Holy Spirit is the power of God, witchcraft is a power of the enemy.
Witchcraft is a broad term of beliefs and has hierarchical levels such as Possession of satanic or demonic powers and the practice of magic. Overall, it’s the belief that some people have spiritual powers and are able to control and influence others—positively or negatively.
Ever since creation, there is only one form of power that can make you overcome any form of Witchcraft. That is the power in the name of Jesus and the word of God.
How does one get access to such power?
For anyone to access this divine power that overcomes witchcraft, first you need to first accept Christ to take the lead in your life. Because those who believe in Him will never be put to shame (Isaiah28:16)
Apart from being the most important prerequisite of effective prayer, the word of God is also the greatest weapon we can use to overcome attacks of witchcraft powers. His word is the hummer that will smash everything in your life (Jeremiah23:29)
Also, Numbers 23:23 shows that God has given us authority and power to overcome witchcraft craft.
Despite the fact that the word of God is a strong weapon we use to wage war against the powers of darkness and witchcraft, there are some specific conditions that must be put in place such as;-
Avoiding the use of pagan utterances which may lure you into the traps of the enemy.
Having full knowledge of the battle since fighting witchcraft in ignorance is a hindrance to victory.
Closing doors that may become the devil’s avenue into your life. such doors include; fear, confusion, worry, unforgiveness, prayerlessness, gossiping, anger, false accusation etc. (Ephesians 4:32. …, Matthew 6:12. …,1 John 1:9-10 1John 4:20. ,1 Peter 5:7. ,2 Peter 1:9)
Having the knowledge to exercise the power and authority bestowed upon us to overcome the enemy. (Ephesian1:15-19)
Being consistent in prayer. (Philippians 4:6-7)
Not giving up in any battle, always trust in God (Psalms23, 2 Kings 6:15-17, Psalms3)
Moving right with God. This helps to build a strong relationship with God and the Holy Spirit. (Galatians 2:16.)
NB: In every kind of prayer, we must always pray through the word of God, therefore as we engage ourselves in the Spiritual Warefare against Witchcraft, we can use scriptures such as; – Isaiah 44:25. (Here God confirms to us that “I expose the false prophets as liars and make fools of fortune-tellers. I cause the wise to give bad advice, thus proving them to be fooled.”)
Exodus 22:18. ( Exodus22:18 You shall not allow a woman who practices sorcery to live.)
God bless you.
God message God bless you